Saturday, October 13, 2007


Took ages does not look so great :(


Nevada Falls

I tried to paint the Nevada Falls at Yosemite, I am saying tried because I dont think I can ever do justice to the elegance of this falls, you could be just staring at it for hours feeling the drops on you..


Love the Poppies Love the Maroon Love the painting

More flowers


Bright and yellow lovely flowers ...original idea from Srikanth's photo.. Guess which is better ???

Beach in Maui

Hawaiian Gallery Inspiration

Saw a painting similar to this in a gallery in Hawaii it was such a simple composition with out many details just a few flowers that caught my attention...

Room with a view

My very first one done at home...Smile

Filouli Gardens

Painted this from a picture of the gardens..turned out quite ok..was a reasonable challenge considering that I painted only geometrical shapes before :)

Tomato and Orange and Apple..

Here is the second one..

The first painting..

I was looking at my paintings and thought maybe I should write about them...The first painting is the best as always Smile.. I went and joined a oil painting class here and the first thing the instructor does is puts up a sphere a cone a cylinder and a cube in the class and some lights and tells us.. this is what we will paint.. I was thinking .tch tch...what is there to paint its all geometrical shapes...Confused... what is so fascinating.. I did this earlier.. (long back in school not using paint)
Then he started off he just put the basic shapes a circle a rectangle and a square..and the started the fun !!!..Just using one brush and brown and white colors.. he created a full scale three dimensional sphere which looked like it had been printed on the canvas ...WOW !!! I was so amazed did he do that.. there was nothing but some plain geometry.. it seemed so simple..he just put the brush on the canvas..and here you go a nice painting is ready in a flash..
Then he made us paint the same...starting off with the circle...and so on.. finally after some more instructions and lots brush strokes I finished my first painting !!.. It turned out great.. the simplicity of the painting is what is most attractive about it..just two plain colors which blend in so well ...